Provider Billing
HCBS Waiver providers are required to submit claims to DODD in order to receive payment. The Southern Ohio Council offers billing services to independent providers. This service includes data entry into Gatekeeper and transmitting the claims through the e-MBS (electronic Medicaid Billing System). Some technical assistance and monthly billing histories also are provided as part of this service. Payment for services may be made by sending check or money order or by paying online by credit card.
The cost for this service is an initial $10.00 set-up fee per individual being served (both Level I and IO).
For Individual Options (I.O.) Waiver providers there is a monthly charge of $30.00 per individual paid on a quarterly basis.
For Level I Waiver providers there is a quarterly charge of $30.00 for up to three individuals. The quarterly cost increases by $10 per quarter per individual after three. Therefore the cost is $30 per quarter for one to three individuals, $40 per quarter for four individuals, $50 per quarter for five individuals, etc.)
For additional information or to set up provider billing services, please contact our office at 740-775-5030.