Southern Ohio Advocacy Group
Southern Ohio Advocacy Group is a committee of the Southern Ohio Council of Governments that promotes advocacy efforts and encourages people with disabilities to speak up for themselves. The members are made up of people with disabilities, family members, private providers and natural supports. Ohio counties that are represented in the group include: Adams, Athens, Brown, Clinton, Fayette, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pickaway, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton.
Officer Information
President: Bill Adams - Scioto County
Vice-President: Faith Bowman - Jackson County
Co-Facilitator: Kelli Gothard – SOCOG
Co-Facilitator: Travis Dresbach – SOCOG, Pickaway County
MEETINGS WILL BE FROM 11AM-12:30Pm - see login instructions below for virtual meetings - location for in-person meetings will be at the Educational Service Center Meeting Rooms, 475 Western Avenue, chillicothe, ohio unless otherwise noted below
- In-person & zoom: January 16
- In-person & zoom: February 20
- In-person & zoom: March 19
- In-person & zoom: April 16
- In-person & zoom: May 21
- In-person only: June 18 - "SOAG On the Road" at Scioto County (no Zoom mtg.)
- In-person & zoom: July 16
- In-person & zoom: August 20
- In-person & zoom: September 17 - "SOAG On the Road" in Jackson County at Poplar Row Greenhouse, 1100 Morton Street, Jackson (no Zoom mtg.)
- In-person & zoom: October 15 - Voting - with speaker from Secretary of State's office
- In-person & zoom: November 19
- In-person: December 17
ZOOM MEETING LOGIN - this login is to be used until further notice
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 5055 1628
Passcode: 438986
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,87250551628#,,,,*438986# US
+13126266799,,87250551628#,,,,*438986# US (Chicago)
Contact Information
Kelli Gothard, Co-Facilitator
Phone: 740-775-5030
Travis Dresbach, Co-Facilitator
Phone: 740-477-3353
Stable Account:
Project STIR: